I love that cradle, but we need to pack it away soon. Now only the cat sleeps in it.
Curse you for earworming me!!!
Vortex, gold eyeliner would be devastating on you. Maybe not an everyday thing, but you must try it.
Mallory is ready for potty-training, whether he likes it or not. Last night he took his diaper off during the night (and his PJ bottoms). But he didn't wet the bed. He held it until he was awake in the morning and standing up in his crib.
I stepped in a big wet spot when I went to pick him up.
Then I discovered that all his toys on the floor near his crib were filled with...water.
Conversely, my Alzheimer's-suffering cat has never gone anywhere but the litterbox.
beth, that's so funny! And cute.
Ooh, news! I got voted one of the "Most Friendly" teachers/staff members, and one of the "Loudest." They came to take my friendly picture while I was in the middle of my second-most-insane-making class, and I and the security guard who also got it glared at the camera together. This may be the least friendly "Most Friendly" photo ever. Then they came and took my picture for loudest while I was in the middle of writing a referral, directly after I'd yelled across the room for a kid to get out of my classroom. And thrown things on the floor.
I'm so mean. I'm laughing and laughing and laughing.
But yay for this...
Too many margaritas after school, I think. Yay spring break!
!!! Margaritas so good! Spring break even bettah! (sorry...had to throw a little Boston language in there)
Poor Raq!
Today I have a stressful meeting with a professor about my status in the class. He's nice, and I know it will go fine (and he's not kicking me out of the class, I don't think, anyways. I think if he was gonna do that, he wouldn't have made me sit through class Wednesday and Today before telling me). It's still just nerve-wracking when I know I'm not doing well--or, just my best even.
But, tonight starts FUN. My mom, my friend V, and I are going on a quilt shop hop tonight and tomorrow. There will thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of bolts of fabric and other fun and quilty things. I'm very excited. I should be doing school work, but we've been planning this for months, so screw school work! (well, not really, but, you know what I mean.)
margaritas are, indeed, excellent.
Vortex would look wonderful in gold eyeliner ... but she looks pretty good without it.
I quoted a t-shirt for the Empress a while ago (How'd you like to meet the business end of my tiara?), but they had some other goodies. One for vw and other quilters - "Fat quarters are not a body part!" And another for those of us still clinging to our jobs - "If you're happy and you know it clank your chains".
I need a makeover. I'm bored with my hair, bored with my same makeup look, bored with my clothes (when I've lost some more weight I plan to get new, smaller, clothes).
Hec, I'm looking at something like this. Yes, it's Audrey Tatou and she's younger and much cuter than I am, but I like the slightly messy look. I'm kind of tired of having my hair being almost always neat. What do you think?
And any suggestions for makeup/hair/clothes? I need a change!
Aimee, there were just a bunch of stories about the Cane Toad all over the internets because of that GIANT TOAD they they found. I think that there was a link to the BBC story either in this thread or in Natter from earlier this week or end of last week.
ETA: Cane Toad Google Search.
I'm tucked in bed, in my pj's and have been working for an hour so far. There is something either very wrong or very right about this. I don't think I could be a teleworker, but it is kinda fun.
I got voted one of the "Most Friendly" teachers/staff members, and one of the "Loudest."
I really like the combination
- "If you're happy and you know it clank your chains".
what a good t-shirt for a children's librarian ( If your ready for a story clap your hands )
I used to see a woman in my local grocery with a t-shirt that said "Conan the Librarian". Always made me chuckle.