This is why I keep a calendar of everything I regularly record from TV and on which devices. It may not be healthy, exactly, but it has come in very handy.
I don't think I could ever be that organized. Especially now that not every show starts in September anymore.
And more ~ma from San Francisco headed to you and your MIL and Brendon.
Heartfelt wishes for health and strength to all Holts.
Oh Laura! I'm very sorry, and am sending good wishes your way.
In completely shallow fashion news: I just finished trying on the full outfit for tomorrow night's Vampire Ball, and am beside myself with squeeing. Jay the Wonder Seamstress (who hasn't had time to sew anything for the past year or more)
herself. This is officially my completely over-the-top, Yes, I AM the Queen of the Goths, thankyouverymuch, outfit.
Jilli, make sure there are pictures. I need to see the Queen of the Goths outfit.
This is officially my completely over-the-top, Yes, I AM the Queen of the Goths, thankyouverymuch, outfit.
I'm gonna need a lot of pictures. A. Lot.
Oh, there will be pictures. There will be lots of pictures. There will also be lots of pictures of Cass, who is my date for this event, and who is kindly letting me play dress-up with her.
Much love, ~~~~ma~~~, and many prayers MIL's way, Laura. {{{}}}
There will also be lots of pictures of Cass, who is my date for this event, and who is kindly letting me play dress-up with her.
Sweet! Gothed up Cass is something to be cherished.
Good thoughts headed to Florida.
Jilli, someday I have to come there and we can do that.
This Sunday, I have either friendly coffee or my first girl-date. I'm socially starved enough that it only makes a little difference which. Although I suppose if it were a date, I wouldn't have the garlic bagel.