I realized my post wasn't clear and edited.
Crazy Coworker has been told by others that her comments are not appropriate and she's laughed these comments off like they were a joke. She does other weird stuff, when she first started working her she'd send me an email, then walk over and hand me a print out of the email. She works with one of my officemates a lot but she won't go back to his area unless she's "announced", she's mostly stopped doing that after I started yelling for him instead of calling his extension. But she'll let me know she's "expected" and wait until I acknowledge this.
Your Crazy Coworker is indeed Nuttier Than Russell Crowe's Package.
I remember reading all those things your co-worker did, askye, but I didn't realize they were all the same person - and then this wacky "Are you sure you aren't pregnant" buisiness? That's a stunning level of not knowing how to behave amongst the humans. Stunning.
Much ~ma sent Florida-ward, Laura.
Sending good thoughts towards Florida.
Laura, tons of ~ma to your mother-in-law.
Yay, Aimee the Algebra Empress!
askye, your co-worker is of the very bad crazy kind.
Cable guy showed up a half hour late and stayed for at least an hour while trying to decide whether or not to replace my DVR. He finally did, and after dinner I spent an hour trying to remember everything that I record. I think I caught everything for this week, but I'll probably end up forgetting to record things that are on haitus right now.
This is why I keep a calendar of everything I regularly record from TV and on which devices. It may not be healthy, exactly, but it has come in very handy.
Askye's cow-orker needs to be slapped. Unreal.
Impressed as can be with the Algebra Empress! My son's algebra made my head hurt.
Freaked out about MIL. We'll be headed to the hospital shortly. She makes me crazy. When Pam went in for her gall bladder surgery a bit ago the doctor said it was the worst he had ever seen. Was shocked she was walking around. When she was in her daughters and I trapped her into seeing an Ob/Gyn because she hadn't been in over 30 years. She had been complaining about her awful periods as long as I had known her. All the women in her life had been telling her that at 60 it ain't a period. If she had gone a decade or so sooner it wouldn't have been as complex a surgery and radiation and so forth for the cancer. After that surgery she had a hernia, which despite our bitching she let go and now that has become a very serious issue.
She has awesome insurance because her husband was career Air Force. She just puts stuff off forever until it is a crisis. We all push her, but apparently we needed to hit her over the head and drag her in to be treated. I'm scared and pissed off at the same time.
I'm so sorry, Laura. How scary. All my good thoughts and prayers are with her (and you all).
That's hard, Laura. I hope her delaying doesn't cost her (and the rest of you) too much.