Ok. Mal killed me ded. So cute! I can't believe he's two!
Sean, I'm so glad you got the meds for S. I hope she's feeling better this morning.
Poor Steph! I think a class would do a similar thing to me too. My brother is a mortgage broker (or something like that), and all my questions go to him. He knows how answer me :). And, he gives me hope that one day I'll own...
Um...there was other stuff. Now I can't remember. Clearly I need to drink more coffee.
Belated birthday felicitations to Mal! The pictures were awesome--he's such a charmer, but I can believe he's a forceful personality. Over-his-cold-ma to him.
We have owned two homes. It was always stressful selling htem but living in them wasn't that bad. We have always bought new homes which meant that there was basically nothing to do. However, we lost out on the sort of original craftsmanship that might come with an older home. Still, new homes tend to have (in my experience) nice, efficient windows, nice fixtures, and no electrical/plumbing problems.
We now live in a rental that is 15 years old. We are always fixing stuff and it bugs me because it's not even our home.
I have a different perspective on the homeowning thing, since I bought my first house a very long time ago. I hated renting. I hated the lack of control and the fact that you had to ask someone else to fix things, and then ask them again and again and again.
It is true that a house is often a hole in the ground into which you throw money, but the reason I can have a house that is inside the perimeter as opposed to way out in soccermom-land is because I started by buying a house years ago in the approach path to Hartsfield. (Really, planes aren't that bad when you're inside.)
The equity in my house funded my transition to working for myself. I've been able to indulge my fondness for playing in the dirt and buying weird plants. Jump in, people! The water's fine except for the occasional shark.
It's so quiet in here today.
Ginger! So good to see you back!
Hi vw!!!
My homeownership is giving me complete heartburn these days, but I can't afford to rent a 4 bedroom in my area either, so someone pass the lube.
I'm at work, still feeling like utter carp. I so totally wish I were home, in bed, asleep.
I'm around, but inestimably groggy due to staying up far too late reading Complete And Utter Crackfic.
OK, but clearly I'm not too sleepy to use a word like "inestimably." The mind is willing, but the body betrays, and has had no caffeine.