Raq, Santorini is so beautiful--as is the birthday boy. DH has a loooong story about trying to get to Santorini and getting stuck on Anafi. Strange but cool stories, because he was drunk most of the time.
I'll give the first buffista that can get here $1000 to change a shitty diaper. I've changed 4 today and I'm just tired.
I just ate a ripe strawberry the size of a small apple.
I'll give the first buffista that can get here $1000 to change a shitty diaper. I've changed 4 today and I'm just tired.
Hmmm..... Let me do the math on a round trip ticket to Ohio.....
Awww. So adorable! And, because I'm late,
Many happy returns of the day to Mal!
Aww, Mal is such a cutie head!
::has Santorini seeing envy::
Would someone like to come over and put cool, damp cloths on my forehead? I have a headache and the only thing that will help is a little pampering. And maybe a little chocolate and champagne, which I have none of so even a little could help, right?
S can now be in less pain. Or at least stop caring about the pain (See: Current Natter)
Sail, were I within a hundred miles of you I would totally bring you champagne and chocolate and put cool washclothes on your forehead, and rub your forearms and feet and tell you that you are pretty.
S can now be in less pain.
It's such a blessing to see the lines on their face ease out a little.
I'm glad for S, Sean.
Diapers have been changed. I'm just doing overtime tonight since DH had to go to a work gathering (hockey game). I'm used to being relieved by now. Kids are pajamied up, though, and watching a video.