heh. the last time I was on their radar was a few weeks ago, with the
yeast infection
From Hell and they put me off a couple days and had me crying on the phone.
The darkening just started, I noticed it this morning, and haven't paid close strict attention so much since then, but I have noticed the lighter stuff also today.
Yeah, I pay close attention to phlegm/snot color. Tells you a lot. For me, I need to nip it in the bud before it becomes a sinus infection, but I don't want to overload a simple cold. The second it gets opaque, I start the drugs.
Tis the day for ick, eh? Glad you have an appointment, Nora - I'm sure they will get feeling better soon.
I'm home with cramps from hell and a headache from somewhere more sinister.
Nora, my mother the nurse always said that "green is good" w/r/t phlegm color. The color change is supposed to mean the virus/bacteria has died and is on its way out.
But definitely see the doctor.
WarGames is on the tube. I haven't watched that start to finish in years.
I don't know...most of Emily's struggles are coming from the specific middle school rather than middle schools in general. Not that it's not a tough age, because hell yeah it is, but many people, like my mom, really love that age group. That said, I think that Emily would be happiest somewhere where she could teach high school math to kids who care...which exactly describes the job lead I sent her...
t crosses fingers and toes
I forgot to - billy and bee look wonderful! so happy! and that one is hot!
Nora, what Sparky's mom says is my understanding regarding color, as well. *
Yellow = active infection.
Still, you have an appointment. Take advantage of it.
I just want someone to listen to my chest.