I'm here til tomorrow night.
The will reading was this morning and she didn't even go. She's just not functioning. I'm trying very hard not to be judgemental of my mom and how she's handling this horrid awfulness, but ... well, she's not even facing it or coping or grieving. She's just numbing herself to all outside forces and it makes me mad.
Yay for a good weekend, Ailleann!
Aimee, I'm so, so sorry. I wish I was there to really hug you. When are you heading home?
Congratulations, billytea!!! The pictures and your bride are both beautiful!
~ma to Toto.
Belated but heartfelt congratulations to GC and GF! And also to Laura and Brendon. That's a fabulous meet-cute story, with a happily-in-progress middle.
Hil, I loved the inappropriate bear stories! I'd think, with a little judicious seam-ripping, that most of them could be made appropriate. How silly of the donors, though, to give bears so actually inappropriate.
Also belatedly, waving at an all-too-rare-appearing ChiKat. Sorry I missed you, but it was nice to know you'd not forgotten us!
Very cute SA--makes the glasses look good!
BT! The pictures are stunning! You and Wallybee are both gorgeous people, and the costume changes are wonderful. May you both be as incredibly happy as you look in the pictures for a very, very long time!
::makes doll in likeness of plasterer manager person. does rude and unspeakable things to it on Vortex's behalf. tucks Vortex onto the comfy sofa with a soft blanket, a cup of tea, chocolate, gourmetish coffee or whatever her choice of warm soothing drink, and a pile of dvds of her choice. turns off phone ringers. leaves. or lingers in case she needs something else, whichever is prefered::
Aimee, love. Can I tuck you up on a comfy sofa with a soft blanket and a soothing drink, too? Hugs, at least?
::makes doll in likeness of plasterer manager person. does rude and unspeakable things to it on Vortex's behalf. tucks Vortex onto the comfy sofa with a soft blanket, a cup of tea, chocolate, gourmetish coffee or whatever her choice of warm soothing drink, and a pile of dvds of her choice. turns off phone ringers. leaves. or lingers in case she needs something else, whichever is prefered::
pulls Bev down on couch for cuddle
Ahhh, sweet internets, how I have missed thee.
Our computer died. Or it's very sick. It goes to the computer doctor today or tomorrow. (My iTunes library!)
My book is mostly on Google Docs or still in my book bag so it's really the music loss (plus, of course, the expense).
Billytea, those pictures are gorgeous. What a very very happy event. For us, anyway, who cares whether you enjoyed it. We love it.
Hey Aimee - funerals always bring the weird. People flip out in new and novel ways. Most people have very little experience with grief and so the inappropriate happens.
I'm sorry about the computer, Hec.
I'm sorry about the computer, Hec.
Please kick it for me, sj.
I'm sorry too, David. sj will have to kick it on my behalf, I'm snuggling Vortex. But all the very finest luck on recovering your music (your Music! Ack!)