I actually emailed the local station because they pre-empted prime time to sit onscreen monitoring the doppler radar and waiting for live reports from the field during a tornado watch.
There is a station like that here. It will be non stop coverage of doppler whenever there may be a tornado somewhere in the viewing area with repetitive time filling advice about what to do in an emergency. Which is great during an emergency, but most of the time, not really an emergency.
I don't know what to do... I'm feeling crappy (stomach stuff as well as persistant sore throat) and the SNOWPOCALYPSE is coming, and I don't really have anything to do here, and I kind of want to go home. However, I have plans with EllenBS after work but they may be called off anyway on account of snow!
Ok. I went and ran my errands, got a little dizzy, so decided to get some lunch and some water. Well, now my stomach is really unhappy. I had to get off the train to puke twice on my way home. So much for school. I appear to be a puke monster.
Oh, it's not hug-worthy, but thank you. I'm just frustrated girl.
I hope you start feeling better soon vw.
Being pukey requires hugs in my world. Very careful hugs.
Feel better, vw.
I'm such a Grinch. I'm sitting here idly wishing this weather had waited exactly 24 hours and turned all the amateur pub-crawling on St. Paddy's into an annoying slog.
We hatsssses holidays that insistses we have fun, oh yes we doessss, gollum. Essspecially when they fallsssses on weekends.
They really ought to give Golum a sitcom. Like, he could be a temp in some office and have to deal with especially perky co-workers.