First official Silver Surfer pic from Fantastic 4 2 (8?).
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
It looks like a painting.
I know.
USA Today previewed a look at the Silver Surfer in the film, but 20th Century Fox has provided us with a higher-resolution version of the image, which shows the Surfer in all his glory from next summer's FF sequel! Here's how Avi Arad described him to the newspaper:
"[He] will look somewhere between gun metal and fluid metallics so you can see the body motion, the breathing, the muscle tone, the mood. He is a highly emotional being, trapped inside fluid metal."
The breathing?
Astounishing 19 is out tomorrow. According the list I was looking at, it's the start of Joss' last (6-issue?) run on the series.
I need to catch up on the Astoundings. I only read the first run. Is there a paperback collection, perchance?
Also, saw a preview for the FF/Silver Surfer movie last night. The Surfer looks utterly fantastic. I'll see the stupid movie just for him. I wonder if they'll explain exactly why he's on a surfboard, though. I never understood that. Other than, cool idea.
Is he, in the movie, still supposed to be the vanguard of Galactus? Because that would be swell.
(whitefonted in case he is, and someone might not know about that.)
Vols. 1 & 2 are out in paperback and the paperback of vol. 3 is coming out in February. (On Valentine's Day according to Amazon.
ZenKitty, he is indeed supposed to be the Herald of Galactus in the movie. As to "why a surfboard," well, things were different in the '60s...
Frankenbuddha - yeah, 6 issue. Preview pages here: [link]
I got into a conversation with a friend about the Ultimates line, and now I'm thinking about going back and reading Spidey from the beginning of Ultimates. Is anyone following the run of Civil War? I'm surprised at how intrigued I am, but I suspect it is at least in part due to my lingering displeasure with Crisis.