Jon B., would that be "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Le Guin?
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Jon, that sounds like Ursula K. LeGuin's "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas".
oops, x-post with Theo.
That guy has a heart?
That guy has a heart?
I've met Dan and he's a nice guy.
Oh, I like his work, but it's not exactly a warm celebration of the human spirit.
Found this. I suppose everyone else found it long ago, but ...
I thinkit is a promo for Angel, not the pilot. It is almost 6 minutes long. Ahhh, Quinn.
Planetary #26 is out today.
Hey, well!
I may have to go pick up my damn pulls in that case.
There's a bunch of other stuff this month I wanted to pick up, but I've been delaying going so I could get everything at once. So now I'm just.... "I don't think I can wait till the weekend. Maybe I'll swing by the shop after work. Or... could I leave work early? I came in late, though. Er, so I might as well leave early, because I'm all screwed up anyway. Yeah, that sounds convincing. Ooo, maybe I could go RIGHT NOW. ...except I have a meeting at 1. Damn it."
I want my stories. Wah.