Sumi, I was reacting to the way she called herself merely Cain at the end of the issue--I'm assuming that's what she's going by instead of Batgirl. As for the other resurrections, I'd assumed (loving that ass) Mummy Dearest was referring to the three times of giving her life as a) birth b) giving her back her ability to fight and c) the actual Lazarus pit resurrection.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
You mean when Shiva said "I gave you life 3 times"? The first was, obviously, giving birth; the second was in the storyline where this empathic metahuman somehow rearranged things in Cass' brain so that verbal communication was less difficult for her (this is in the second TPB, IIRC), but the problem was that that messed up her ability to fight in that I-can-read-your-every-move way, so Shiva came to her and basically said, I can teach you to fight the way you used to, but if I do, you must agree to meet me in 1 year (I think it was a year -- or was it less?) and we fight to the death. Shiva actually did kill Cass, but used some weird mojo (or phlebotnum) to bring her back to life. And then the third time was this time, thanks to the Pit.
t edit Or, what ita said. With fewer words.
Astounshing #13 out this week according to the Diamond Comics list.
Is Joss still writing that?
Hey Jon, happy birthday! Sorry I couldn't make the gathering, but I've been under the weather all weekend (and at work now - yuck).
t /natter
On topic: I think he's on board for another 12 issue run, at least.
No way! I totally thought he gave it up after twelve. Damn.
You should check out the podcast linked to above. It's quite interesting.
I should cut back on my comics-reading. I had a dream last night that I had a crush on Mirror Master and I almost had him convinced to give up his life of crime, but then Captain Cold and some of the other rogues mocked him and he went back to his villainous ways.
I am SO not right in the head.