Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Did anyone read Grant Morrison's WE3? I hadn't heard of it, but the Post mentioned it a while back and so I picked up the TPB today because, er, it was there. It's sort of like The Incredible Journey, if the animals involved were heavily armed cyborgs.
I expect Morrison to be odd. I don't expect him to make me cry because there's a sad doggie. Let's not even talk about the bunny rabbit.
Does anyone have a good Annotated Infinite Crisis resource? I was doing pretty well up to #4, I think. Now I'm dizzy.
Apparently it's Alex Ross's birthday.
His 36th.
I'm surprised by how much that surprises me.
Jeez, I thought he was like 10 years older than me.
He can't be only 36. That's unpossible. That's only 4 (or so) years older than me.
Plus, it makes his cranky old schoolness even sillier, though possibly cuter.
So that was the last episode of Teen Titans.
That's it? I'm incredibly disappointed. Pretty soon there's going to be no reason left to watch Cartoon Network.
ION, JLU season 3 episodes 5 and 6 have apparently aired elsewhere in the world where people have computers. You know, if that means anything to anyone.
Unrelatedly, it looks like I'll be spending 40 minutes or so watching cartoons later this afternoon.
I'm having a delayed Crisis freakout re: the Flashes. Bart's coming back, right? And Wally too?
May's free comic books.
That link says May 6 2005.
It's a typo. May 6th wasn't a Saturday in 2005. Free Comic Book Day site.
ita, your Crisis freakout is my Crisis confusion. I have NO idea what in the hell even happened with the Flashfamily, other than the fact that they stopped Superboy-Prime, and Barry showed up to help, and Barry told Bart that Wally was waiting for him (Bart, not Barry), and not to be afraid, and Bart said that he wasn't (and, okay Plei -- I have big love for Bart now), but I have no idea what actually *happened.*
Also, I loves me some Kon.