So... Infite Crisis....
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
So... Infite Crisis....
Take a group of DC writers.
Put them in a room.
Let them plot until the echo chamber effect happens and they start to giggle like madmen, or like geeks who've spent WAY too long trying to top the craziest idea the last guy had.
That's my theory, at least.
Give them a bit of weed, the good stuff because DC is good like that, and your theory makes perfect sense.
I have to say, I'm interested. Not just curious, like I was about who killed Mrs. Dibny -- that was in a whodunnit sense. Right now i'm interested in more of the plotline, and what the hell is going to happen to Batman.
I am mildly irritated by some of the synchronisation issues (where is Nightwing these days? Just in his comic?) but since those pale in the face of half the Marvel titles simply ignoring House of M, I shrug past them.
I really hate the House of M ignorers. It had some really brilliant twists, in my opinion. The entire Spiderman House of M had this creepy feel during all the issues. And of course, District X's complete gloss over the Mutopia mini-series makes me cringe.
Are baseline Marvel titles even in the same continuity with each other anymore? There's a completely different contradictory version of the Hulk in just about every title I skimmed yesterday.
616 is supposed to be consistent--ish. I mean, the mutants have vanished all over 616. Individual characters, like Wolverine being everywhere always--NSM.
Dammit. Now that X-MEN: 40 YEARS OF X-MEN DVD-ROM is actually out, I want to buy it from B&N. But search says nothing. I go to to look up the ISBN, and nothing. I check out the link to it on that Scola gave me months ago, and it's dead.
Not that I can't get it other places, but I'm irritated I can't lump it in with the purchase I have ready to go with B&N.
Finally playing catch-up on comics (I had, umm, a large backlog in my box). Starting with Gotham Central.
1. Damn, they're going out with a bang and FINALLY connecting dots I've been wondering about for the last 20 or so issues.
2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! CRIS!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! I have to say, while this wasn't an unexpected death, it still just gutpunched me. Damn. In a fair and just world, all of Gotham Central will be available in trade once it wraps up, because I want to be able to sit down and re-read each storyline without digging through my boxes. Jesus. That was painful. Earned, too. But CRIS!!! Jesus. I keep thinking about the chain of actions and events leading to it. About Harvey and Renee and the way Gotham corrupts things. Weirdly, I keep thinking it with motion, because I swear, in my head, this is all live action.
I'm loving this blog. Educational.