Dark Garden has eleventy berjillion pictures. I'm going to visit the store sometime after the holidays and see if I can wheedle copies of one or two.
It was some consolation for the fact that I had to improvise an outfit in a hurry, due to 19 months of married life and mac'n'cheese once a week having expanded my dimensions just enough that there was no way in hell I could fit into my old costume, even corseted. I couldn't even fit into my old
muttergrumble seethe seethe
Still. It's been 19 months of delicious mac'n'cheese.
Still. It's been 19 months of delicious mac'n'cheese.
See, that's the proper way to look at it. 19 months of nummy food and good married life. I, of course, am seethingly envious of your having a good Dickens Faire to
Argh, ANOTHER double-post. Time to get a new mousie for the computer, I think.
JZ, I hope you post pictures if you get any!
Ken Burns is making a Superman documentary: [link]
The fur lining doesn't look very helpful: [link]
Sorry for the trifecta, but check out these photshopped comic book covers. The first page isn't great; they get better as they go along.
Has anyone read the Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk?
I think it's because I'm old and greedy that I don't think much happens in one issue anymore, and because I'm old and jaded I don't expect it to.
That having been said...I liked the pacing of this. And I'm really curious to know if this
weakness of Wolverine's will be exploited
anywhere else. In any other comic, I mean, not anywhere else on his body.
Figured I'd mention this here since it's comic-related.
Got the Ultimate Spiderman video game for Christmas. Beat it yesterday. Game is ridiculously short, but fun. Also has good voice acting and some really great lines. After you win you get the ability to play Spidey and just swing around the city doing random hero stuff (which you also can do during the regular game if you want. Nothing forces you to go the next story point, other than Spidey mentioning it every 5 minutes or so) or Venom and do random rampagey stuff (which you can't do during the normal game, as the Venom levels are goal-specific).
My only real complaint is that non-boss badguys will keep getting back up after a certain amount of time unless you web them when they're KOed, but the fighting system encourages you to keep clobbering people until they're all down (Spidey's damage increases as you bounce from target to target and score consecutive hits) which means sometimes you'll get an impressive combo going on a bunch of dudes, but if you don't pay attention the first guys you KOed will get back up before you finish taking out their buddies. Another annoying thing is when you do stop to try to web up the KOed guys, their still moving buddies have a bad habit of stepping in the way and getting webbed instead and by the time you re-target, the KOed guy is back on his feet.
Overall, I definitely say it's worth a rental. Probably not worth buying unless you're one of those people who will spend hours and hours unlocking all the costumes and artwork and whatnot.