Or the writer of that piece was making a poorly constructed joke. Or it was in a press release that the writer took as fact when it was meant as a joke. Who knows?
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
FWIW, Wikipedia says the same thing. But then again, the person who wrote the Wiki article doesn't seem to like her very much.
U.S. Papers Adding Japanese-Style Comics [link]
Alan Moore asks to have his name removed from his comics: [link]
Alan more asks to have his name removed from his comics: [link]
Cranky and quixotic.
Cranky and quixotic.
They fight crime.
They fight crime.
I'd buy that comic.
I'd buy that comic.
Even if it was written by Alan Smithee?
Even if it was written by Alan Smithee?
Alan Moore's next project:
In 2006, Moore and his partner Melinda Gebbie will be publishing Lost Girls, a graphic novel that explores the erotic and the pornographic; it is startling and innovative, and the artwork is quite remarkably beautiful.
In the summer of 1914, at a spa in Austria, three women of varying ages meet, and talk about their sexual awakenings. Since the three women in question are Alice, Wendy and Dorothy - the protagonists of three of the most metaphor-rich children's books of literary history - their conversations stray into some weird and wonderful territory. "Why can't a pornographic graphic novel be as fine as anything in the field, and still be sexy?" Moore asks. For all his disillusion with the actual industry, Alan Moore is as in love as ever with the wonderful possibilities of hybrid comics to do things that no other art form can manage.