Check this out: Things from Another World
sent out my Fray #8!!!
What the hell? Do they really think there are CASUAL fans of a 8-issue Joss mini-series who can just wait an extra 10 days for the final issue that took a jillion years to come out???
The only reason this does not totally piss me off is that since I bought 2, now one can stay all pristine and perfect.
I'm pretty sure she meant it jokingly, Jess.
Maybe they figured
fans had necessarily developed extra patience.
I'm pretty sure she meant it jokingly, Jess.
Yeah, I was being all sarcastic and stuff. But I was suprised they didn't e-mail me or anything to let me know about the delay. My other issues from there have gotten to me within a day of the release. They *are* the official Dark Horse distributors 'n all.
I don't know quite where to put this, but ASH is on a rerun of So Graham Norton. BBC America 8/27. I saw the show and one of the sketches is "Poofy, the Vampire Slayer" Head says he will never look at her the same way again.
Wonder if that explains Giles in Season 7?
sfmarty: Paypal has money for you.
Just got the email. Since I was working for the past few days, I have been brain dead. Will get them in the mail tomorrow. Early.
NP, I just barely sent it to you. I figured that should cover the shipping, too. If I'm under, let me know. If I'm over, call it a finders fee. :)