I quite liked the Ultimate X-Men annual, not least of because I'm all for
killing characters, even ones I kinda like.
And I hope that in this universe
they can stay dead too.
I can't remember what's happening in the main title, so perhaps that's not a good thing.
Devin Grayson interview, part 2: [link]
Read Wonder Woman #220 yesterday -- it went pretty much as I expected. I thought it was pretty decent, though.
Also read Robin #14whatever (I know; Willingham blah blah jerkfacecakes, but it was still on my pull list, and I hate giving stuff back to the comic guy and telling him I don't want it) -- and I gotta say, I was LOVING the
Tim/Kon OTP 4EVah!!! With the flirting banter! And the "Let's get you back to my love shack apartment."!!!
Steph, hadn't you stopped reading Robin?
Steph, hadn't you stopped reading Robin?
Yes, and then I started again, because....I can't remember why, actually.
I started again, because...
That's probably pretty much the only reasoning I have, yeah.
But then there was this issue! With the
I watched Baywatch Hawaii for this and Mutant X for this. I have
high ground.
Steph, Steph, Steph.
That's all I'm sayin'.
I still haven't read Astonishing. It's in the car, which is not here, so I won't until this weekend.