Well, they make enough logical sense that I can go with them.
Unlike, say Batman 644. Which makes less sense than As You Were, for dog's sake.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Well, they make enough logical sense that I can go with them.
Unlike, say Batman 644. Which makes less sense than As You Were, for dog's sake.
Huh. The Powers that comes out tomorrow is a super-gigantic anniversary issue.
And, The Runaways was in this week's "must" list in Entertainment Weekly.
From Comics Continuum:
NEW JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED EPISODES Cartoon Network has announced four new episodes of Justice League Unlimited in September.
Two episodes will air Saturday, Sept. 17 beginning at 10 p.m., with two more episodes on Saturday, Sept. 24.
Following is a rundown:
Saturday, Sept. 17: "
I Am Legion
Shadow of the Hawk
Saturday, Sept. 24: "
Heart of Stone
Why are they burning them off, two to a Saturday?
I don't know.
FYI, all. The SERENITY that's out this week is just a re-print of the first issue. At least, that's all I saw at Newbury Comics, and they were being put out while I was there.
The new Astounishing is out as scheduled, though.
And now I'm going to be looking angrily at my Fables.
I'm with ita. That post almost makes me want to stop reading Fables. I mean, technically I've stopped reading everything since I don't have a comic book store, but when I do...grr. I probably won't, because I still love it, but I won't ever be quite so quick to defend the man himself ever again.
I'm seriously considering dropping Ult. X-Men. The recent storylines haven't been grabbing me and I didn't care for the Annual at all. Plus, Ultimate! Juggernaut looks like a complete and utter dufus. At least they brought the original artist back for the Annual so I could at least tell the characters apart.
I enjoyed Astonishing, but the ending felt kind of anti-climactic. Emma is working for the Hellfire Club ? How 1980s.