(Hey, I thought that the Angel comic was a three-issue deal -- but it appears to be continuing.)
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
(Hey, I thought that the Angel comic was a three-issue deal -- but it appears to be continuing.)
Angel:The Curse is a five-part arc and IDW announced another arc (Angel:Old Friends) will be released in the fall.
What are you referring to?
The novelization.
holy crap.
Yeah, I saw it at Amoeba and was feeling covetous even though I've got all the music.
The novelization.
Yeah, I read it last night and the novelization does a wonderful job of not only capturing the movie (with a few adjustments for the page, like one scene that I thought was skipped over appearing later as a recollection because it makes for a better flow in the book) but also inserting some background from events on Firefly to give unfamiliar readers a sense of what's happened up to the point the movie begins.
The dialogue is preserved nicely on the page, with some snippets that seem like they may have been cut from the movie remaining, so that's like a little bonus. At one point, I was wondering if the pacing was going too fast compared to the length of the book (257 pages) but I think that was just because I was anticipating some of the later action.
Who wrote the novelization? I know a couple people who write tie-in work, and some of them are actually pretty talented. For a while, some of the major movie novelizations were getting writers like Joan Vinge and Elizabeth Hand and so on, so you can get very lucky indeed.
Holy shit, Steph.'re serious?
But...that makes no sense. The...hell? I...what? I'm...huh? I'm pretty new to the 'verse, but still.
They couldn't leave well enough alone?
Quick note on Villains United, if anyone else is still reading: am I realy the only one whose guessed that the team of five "unknown villains" Luthor just recruited is the Justice League Elite? IJS.
See, I haven't read JLE, so, yes.