Just finished Astro City: Confessions. I know I'm like 7 years behind, but damn was that a good book.
What other Astro Cities have you read? Confessions was indeed astonishing, but I believe it pales compared to Tattered Angel.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Just finished Astro City: Confessions. I know I'm like 7 years behind, but damn was that a good book.
What other Astro Cities have you read? Confessions was indeed astonishing, but I believe it pales compared to Tattered Angel.
just confessions and the first one (memfault). I'm going in order.
Life in the Big City, I believe it was. Yeah, AC is one of the best things out there. Next up for you is Family Album, which is beautiful . . . . Hell, they're all beautiful. And Busiek is finally well enough to work on it again, so there's a new series coming out now.
Life is gooooood.
Anne, I picked up Fables #40, and agree pretty much with everything you said. I figured out Gepetto was the puppetmaster several issues ago. I mean, who else could it be? Now I'm wondering whether Boy Blue has another secret word that will release something else from the cloak, say, oh, I don't know, Bigby Wolf?
Okay, still really not liking the Ult. X-Men art. What the hell is up with Xavier's head in the conference room scene? Plus, all of Emma Frost's students look identical. Ugh. Though, we finally get Ultimate! Mystique which is cool.
Aboslutely loved the Ult. Spidey annual. Though I'm willing to admit alot of it's because I've been a big Peter Parker/Kitty shipper since the first crossover. And I'm not normally a big shipper of anyone. But the story as a whole is a lot of fun and Bendis has managed to make Rhino actually cool.
Speaking of Ultimate -- did you read the Ultimates annual? I really like Ultimate!Fury. Not to like hang out with, or anything. But he's one cold son of a bitch. Also interested in seeing where they go with the arms race thing.
Afraid not. The original Ultimates series turned me off too much. I absolutely hated the Ultimate version of the Pyms, Bruce Banner and Betsy Ross and reading about them was just painful (Though I did like Fury and Cap) so I didn't bother picking up any of the second series.
From earlier:
What are your five desert island comics?
Hmmm.... Only five, huh? And everybody's already given so many great suggestions.
Man, filling that fifth slot on the list is hard, there are many competitors for it. I think I might have to go with one Hec suggested and say....
Huh. Given that Sean has 4 of my top 5, I guess I'm'a have to read Grendel.
Speaking of Powers, has there been an issue recently? It seems like it's been awhile.