It really improves it.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
It really improves it.
I read the new Nightwing and laughed and laughed and laughed.
Good laughs?
Well, brought on more by stuff (like that fic that Teppy linked to last week) outside of the book than in the book itself. . . (because Dick isn't really in a fun place right now, is he?)
Well, brought on more by stuff (like that fic that Teppy linked to last week) outside of the book than in the book itself. . .
Heh. I gotta run to the comic store at lunch and pick up 2 weeks' worth of comics, including a bunch that aren't on my regular pull list.
What are your five desert island comics?
Mine are:
(a very close runner-up is Why I Hate Saturn, by Kyle Baker
What are your five desert island comics?
Nice to see some love for Zot.
I'm just going to go with my most pleasurable comic reading experiences.
1. Love & Rockets
2. Swamp Thing (Moore run)
3. The Invisibles
4. Nexus
5. Hmmmm. Feels like I should toss in something mainstream superheroish here to at least honor my early enthusiasms. Could be the Claremont X-Men. Could be the Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams Batman. But I think I'll opt for Walt Simonson's run on Thor. That was fun, and it looked great too. Beta Ray Bill!
Honorable Mention: Zot, Mister Miracle (I liked all of Kirby's 4th World stories, but Scott Free's escape from Apokolips fired up my 10 y.o. imagination), American Flagg, Miller's Daredevil, Eightball, Hate, Jim Woodring, Pogo, Krazy Kat.
On account of I believe in being entertained while I'm on my desert island, and not depressed, I have left off several worthy classics.
Only one bat-title for Ple! Well, at least Spider-Woman retains her hold over Ple's imagination.
See: entertained, not depressed. Also, everything I put up there save JSA involves a fairly complete story arc, even if the characters do pop up again from time to time, so I wouldn't be wishing I had that issue where it crossed over with X and then zipped into Y for a while.
Actually, I may go ahead and swap Young Justice for JSA. It's a coin toss, which I tried to type toin coss, as they're the two books that have made me WEEP LIKE A GIRLY MAN.