Seems like they're trying to cram a lot of characters and cross-comic references in it. Every couple of pages there's an asertisk after a line of dialogue and then at the bottom MW tells you to see Teen Titans vol. 56 or Aquaman vol. 239 for background or continuation of a storyline. Also every character they draw just has to have a line of dialogue. I wish they did it the JLU (tv show) way where they show 100 superheros but only a handful of them get lines.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I remember when someone posted a link to that Crisis spoof months back, I looked at it and imagined the editor yelling "It's not working! George is drawing new characters faster than the writer can kill them off!"
The DC Animated Universe is done for good.
I could have sworn I've read there's another season of JLU in the works, but it wasn't approved until after they finished up Season 4, so Epilogue was written as if it was going to be the last DCAU episode ever.
I could have sworn I've read there's another season of JLU in the works,
I went looking and found a mention of another season on AICN. Not exactly the most reliable of sources.
I had read that there's going to be another season of JLU also, Kalshane. Don't remember where I read it, though.
People who went to the JLU panel at San Diego saw the first five or ten minutes of the new season opener.....
At least, that is what I was told by someone who attended.
From Brian K Vaughn's site:
In other star-effing news, I had lunch with Pulitzer Prize winner (and inspiration for my upcoming run on Dark Horse's THE ESCAPIST) Michael Chabon, and dinner with BUFFY creator Joss Whedon, who was nice enough to invite Ruth and me to the world premiere of the final cut of SERENITY, which is as perfect a movie as any of us will see this year.
Man, I'm going to be so disappointed. Everyone who's seen it is raving way too much.
P-C, I'll just say this: I'm really not a huge fan of the series, but the movie was really powerful. I wouldn't call it perfect by any means, but I did like it. I figure if *I* did, then you will, too.
To put it in perspective, I don't think it's quite as good as an equal length of the best episodes ("Serenity" or "Ariel" plus "Objects in Space" for example), but it's the best movie I've seen this year, including the Bale Batman.