I forgot to pick up Manhunter!
I enjoyed BoP alot.
I enjoyed AX too but I'm afraid I don't know enough of X-Men history to get it the way everyone else here does.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I forgot to pick up Manhunter!
I enjoyed BoP alot.
I enjoyed AX too but I'm afraid I don't know enough of X-Men history to get it the way everyone else here does.
I'm afraid I don't know enough of X-Men history to get it the way everyone else here does.
Substitute any number of titles for X-Men, and that explains my hesitation to get back into comics (I stopped following them in the early 90s)
That's why, aside from Astonishing, I stick with a handful of Ultimate-verse titles, since you don't have to know 50 years of backstory spread across eleventy-million titles.
How many X-books are there now? I know there used to be more, but there's still a lot of them on the new releases rack at the comic store every week.
Anne, we're having a Crisis again soon, so you'll be able to pick up DC no problem!
Anne, we're having a Crisis again soon, so you'll be able to pick up DC no problem!
Is it just me, or does DC have Crises the way the Buffyverse has apocalypses?
Gotham's in trouble, must be Tuesday.
50 years of backstory spread across eleventy-million titles
I think that all of the comics I've followed were intended to be finite. And the exceptions turned out to be finite anyway, because they were cancelled after a dozen issues or so.
Just started sorting the TPB/Graphic novel bookshelf. Am still missing a couple of books (the living room was rearranged to make room for baby stuff before we took the study apart to return it to a bedroom, and I'm just now moving things back where they belong), like my Across the DC Universe Alan Moore book (around here somewhere) the second Teen Titans trade (maybe on the other shelves?) and the second Outsiders trade (in a bag around here somewhere), am torn about how to sort things (right now, the top shelf is Gotham and the Gang, followed by Team Books and Other Titles, followed by Non DCU Books), BUT! I did find my copy of the sweetly wankishly earnest How to Read Superhero Comic Books and Why. As it turns out, it was nestled in between the fifty issues of Spider-Woman V1 for some reason.
Also, I need to slap together another short box and tame the stack of bags that's built up since the last time I tried sorting things.
Why is it I have two copies of Batman: Year One?
Also, why was Robin: Flying Solo in the sex toy drawer? (It's probably an answer like, "because it was on the floor and you stuck it in the first place you could find so you could vacuum," but I still find the placement amusing on many levels.)
Also, why was Robin: Flying Solo in the sex toy drawer?
The life of a Bat family member is a lonely, solitary life.
Why is it I have two copies of Batman: Year One?
Cause you were saving the other one for me.