Also, anyone who's read Serenity #1, how was it (whitefont if necessary)?
I thought it was a good transition to the comic-book form - too short to get the feel of an entire episode (I think all 3 issues will add up to that), but played up to the strenghts of the form (especially the ending). More action in it than I anticipated.
ETA - hmm, Diamond Comics says yes on Astounishing #11, but the link here that ita put in to a different page doesn't have it. Is either more reliable than the other?
I think the other link misspelled "Astonishing" as "stonishing," so it's not in its usual place on the Marvel list.
I think the other link misspelled "Astonishing" as "stonishing," so it's not in its usual place on the Marvel list.
Aha. Mystery solved. Silly list - "Astounishing" is the OT Misspelling.
Any comments on the TokyoPop CineManga of the Buffy episode The Gift?
Wha-huh???? More info, please!
I am so damn amused by this cover for the October issue of Solo: [link]
I asked the GF about the Buffy thing. She said it's basically just screen caps from the ep (I thought it would be an anime style recreation). But she said it does have some extras in it, like the shooting script. Could be cool...
I thought it would be an anime style recreation
That would be interesting. There are a number of things in "Buffy" that parallel things I see in shoujo manga.
Whee. Got my copy of Astounishing and snagged the last issue of Serenity they had (Jayne cover).
Astonishing was pretty good.
The latest issue of Ult. Spidey rocked like a rocking thing, though. I think Bendis realized there was a serious snark-shortage in the previous arc and decided to make up for lost time.
Things what rocked, this week: JSA Classified #1. Adventures of Superman (though it took way damn long to get to the meat of the matter with this Sacrifice arc). Teen Titans. Birds of Prey. Manhunter.
Umm. I'll get back to y'all when I'm done with the stack, but this is shaping up to be a week that kicked all kinds of ass.