Am I the only one who doesn't see Batman: Year One and DKR as that big a deal? I don't think it was revolutionary as much as what the character had been evolving towards ever since Adams/O'Neal. If DC had assigned someone other than Miller to reboot the character, it would have ended up looking pretty much the same.
I don't think DKR was a big deal for the Batman mythos (though it certainly drew a ton of mainstream media), but I do think Batman: Year One was the reboot that most of the current canon is built upon.
::waits patiently for Ple, victor, amych or teppy to explain my thorough wrongitude::
I've always thought that Batman: Year One is much more about Jim Gordon than it is about Batman/Bruce.
Teppy, I agree. I was surprised by that when I finally read it.
But I love Jim Gordon, so that ended up being fine with me.
My favorite Era of Jim Gordon is No Man's Land. He kicks so much ass.
The friend I saw
Batman Begins
with hadn't read NML (which was the only place I'd seen Scarecrow before), so I let her borrow it. Jim
pretty awesome in it.
I do think Batman: Year One was the reboot that most of the current canon is built upon.
Batman was probably the major DC character that was least affected by the Crisis reboot. The character was pretty much the same post-crisis as he was for about 15 years pre-crisis. Year One changed some of his backstory, but even then a lot of it was retconned away later on.
I'm skipping a year's worth of posts to share this -- [link] -- It's Denis Kitchen's daughter and it's really good!
Just read WE3. Wow. That's really, really good.
Conversation had at the comic store today:
ita: Do you have Global Frequency?
him: What's that?
me: It's by Warren Ellis. [off blank look] I'm not sure of the imprint.
him: Is it a comic book?
me: [...]
time passes
him: You know what I really want to read? Sin City.
me: Well, I liked it to start out with, but not so much anymore.
him: Who's it by again?
Admittedly, he's not the regular comic book guy -- the last time he served me, he had to call someone -- not just to work out how to do the cash register, but for them to add up the totals of the comics I was buying and tell him how much cash to give me back.
I'd be tempted to close the store, rather than leave him in charge.
My favorite Era of Jim Gordon is No Man's Land. He kicks so much ass.
Mmm. Yes. NML Jim's the bestest. I miss having Jim in action. Hell, I miss having Jim in Gotham. He's the bestest Daddy ever, even better than Spy Daddy.
As for B:YO, what Scola said. The last at least 5 years of Batcanon don't really owe all that much to B:YO, and Gotham, at least until War Games, bore more of Chuck Dixon's mark than it did FM's. We dropped pretty much right from War Games into Crisis mode, so it's hard to get a feel for the flavor at the moment. (It doesn't help that one book has been running "A Pre-War Games" story since War Games, and others have been focusing on the changing faces--sometimes literally--of the bad guys.)
(Offhand, I'd say it Needs More Rucka, but I tend to say that about everything these days, including my local bookstore, which is seriously lacking in anything I don't already own, forcing me to go outside the city proper to get my fix. But this isn't about my taste in thrillers.)
I'm nervous about the change in Superman editors, on account of really enjoying the Superman titles at the moment, lingering War Games issues, and my own fear of change.