Haven't read the new issue, but... I think that has to be considered a seperate case. As it was presented at the time, it was decided that only J'onn could sit in judgement on his people, and that what he was doing was supposedly done in keeping with the laws and customs of his culture. Since that distinction was originally made, I think he can be given a pass.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I just saw this link on metafilter for Legends of the Superheroes. I had heard rumors about this, but I wasn't sure it was real.
I remember watching that. It was pretty bad.
Wow. I'd never heard of that show before, and now I'm glad I hadn't. Wow.
If only some visionary in the 60s had realized the horrible price we'd pay for all the drugs.
Perhaps another campy offering from the 70s can act as a palette cleanser?
Ow. Ow. Ow.
Is this some sort of negative-stymulus therapy thing to try to get me to give up comics again?
Perhaps another campy offering from the 70s can act as a palette cleanser?
I loved that show! I'd totally forgotten how damn disco the theme was, though.
JLU was very sad. But I just don't get Superman going off like that.
Seriously, ita. It was like supermanisadick.com come to life. Or, well, not life. Animation. Whatever.
I thought there was going to be a revelation (as there usually is at supermanisadick.com, I've assumed) that something was manipulating him -- some magic or science or something. Nothing as mundane as what we got. It's all pointing somewhere very Justice Lordy, I assume.