Batman: Year One.
What was the last Frank Miller Batman project?
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Batman: Year One.
What was the last Frank Miller Batman project?
What was the last Frank Miller Batman project?
The bad Dark Knight redux that everybody hates.
::waits for somebody to pipe up with their non-hatred::
I don't think Return of Donna Troy is out this week, according to Diamond. OMAC #2 is, though.
::waits for somebody to pipe up with their non-hatred::
Might as well get comfortable, it'll be a long one.
waits for somebody to pipe up with their non-hatred
That would be me. I kind of thought it was interesting, but not particularly as a Batman story.
Okay, the Diamond shipping list I linked to yesterday was their list from last week that was what they *expected* to ship this week.
The updated shipping list DOES have the Return of Donna Troy. Which is nifty.
Runaways was great this week. Amusing Lost reference, and a sweet reveal at the end.
Ultimates was good too.
Don't know what the fuck's going on in 100 Bullets, but that's been the case for months now.
Batgirl was all right.
Got the new Runaways, Ultimate Iron Man (for the stunt-writing), and finally broke down and bought Ex Machina. Have yet to read any of them.
You'll love Ex Machina. It rocks.
Yeah, I was curious about Ultimate Iron Man. I didn't know Orson Scott Card was writing it.
The 1st issue of UIM was pretty good. Anytime you have a whole issue of something that doesn't even have the title character in it (it focuses on his parents) it's either really interesting or just blah.