They've sort of evolved into the DC equivalent of Farscape's Peacekeepers, originally intended to be an interstellar police, but becoming more about their own ends as time went on.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Are the Thanagarians the hawkpeople? And who comes from Rann? (Character-wise, I mean. Like, Superman is from Krypton, J'onn is from Mars, etc.)
Rann's big hero comes from Earth. (Adam Strange)
Someone else can explain him.
Adam Strange is the Earthman that's always beaming TO Rann, but I'm blanking on the names of his wife and father-in-law. Kanjar-Ro was an early Justice League villain that I believe came from Rann.
Happy Free Comic Book Day!!!
DC gets a new logo: [link]
Saturday was not, unfortunately, Free Comic Book Day in Salt Lake. The main comic store here is postponing theirs until the 28ths, when they're going to have Bill Willingham in town, and make it a big deal. Showing movies, having a signing, and poker.
However, this DOES mean that I can get my Fables autographed, so, yeah me!
Cool! Will he have people to protect him from all the Robin readers?
One can only assume.
Whee! New Astounishing this week. It feels like it's been more than a month. I know I didn't get caught up with the latest issue right away.