Here I am looking all over the internet for the answer to my questions, and I really just needed to come here!
Does anyone know if DC comics is still abiding by the Comics Code Authority?
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Here I am looking all over the internet for the answer to my questions, and I really just needed to come here!
Does anyone know if DC comics is still abiding by the Comics Code Authority?
According to this, yes they are.
In 2001, Marvel Comics withdrew from the CCA in favor of their own ratings system which was seen as yet another step in the organization's decline into irrelevance. As of 2004, the CCA's stamp-shaped insignia is rarely seen on covers and is barely visible on those which it does appear. DC Comics is the only major company with some titles still sporting the CCA insignia.
Given the content of DCs mainstream titles, I doubt very many issues are logoed these days.
They certainly don't abide by the spirit of the code these days, for better or worse.
Thanks Tom. From what I understand, they only submit some of their titles for approval.
I just finished reading three Frank Miller batman books: The Dark Knight Returns, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, and Batman: Year One.
Loved TDKR and B:YO. Found DKSA extremely disturbing, and reading it was like watching a car crash. Was it well-received by the fans?
Was it well-received by the fans?
Some fan somewhere, maybe. People I've talked to are more of the "Ptui, let us never speak of it again" opinion.
I think DKSA wasn't well-liked, though IIRC, Holli likes it.
I'm glad it wasn't just me, then.
I hear it makes an excellent substitute for Charmin in a pinch.
But, other than Holli, I've never heard a positive word about DKSA. I couldn't get through the first part.
I have a friend who likes it. Have never read it myself.
My comic book store is closing down. So much for my summer job there.