Ah! Do they make an X-Men one? WANT.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Though the generic one sounds kinda interesting.
I was just in the computer store, and saw this, which Teppy needs to get.
Holy cow. It's beautiful.
Have you guys seen this Superman is a Dick website?
I posted that a little ways back. But it's real. The National Lampoon was just lending them webspace when the original host used up all it's bandwidth pretty much instantly.
New permanant home is here: [link]
I like the URL.
Apparently their original home was "supermanisadick.com", but DC gave them a stern talking to.
I found it at: "www.superdickery.com/dick/1.html"
I just ordered X-Men checks. Alas, there is no Magneto-scene check.
I had a small pull list this week:
Detective #804 continues the excellent, but very bleak, Lapham run. I wish the editors could have coordinated stories better, as Dr. Freeze is appearing in too many titles.
Justice League Elite #9 was pretty effective, with interexting bits for Green Arrow and Batgirl. I'm still confused by some of the action in the story, though.
Lex Luther: Man of Steel #1 was a solid effort. I like the take from Lex's point of view, but I am uncertain exactly where this fits in continuity. (They mention the Science Spire, which is being built in The Question, but don't mention anything about the Presidency or exile, so I'm guessing this is set in the short past).
Deadshot #4 is enjoyable, if a bit predictable, but I'm only picking it up for the Green Arrow appeances anyway, but I'm glad it's not disappointing.
No Marvel this week for me, although my shop tried to get me to purchase Ultimate Iron Man.
Did anybody pick up Seven Soldiers of Victory #0? It looks like we're in for a wild ride.