Thanks, Jeff. That sounds cool. But then how did you recognize him as Deadman if he keeps changing bodies?
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
P-C, the readers can always see his "spriti" and he appears as he did when he died, in the "Deadman" person he used in his trapeeze act wiht white makeup and the red tights.
This is why someone (I think it was PMM) had a question of how Deadman fits in Post-Crisis continuity re: when Robin became Nightwing. In the original, pre-Crisis version (which began in 1967), he died in the first issue to become Deadman. My research on this issue has revealed a possible explanation, but I don't want to spoil anything for anybody).
Thanks again, Jeff.
Ooh, new Batman Begins trailer during the Super Bowl! The new Batmobile is killer. Very DKR.
Did my VCR tape Teen Titans and JLU tonight?
I've got 'em both on TiVo. Let me know if you want tape copies.
Yes, please.
Why are we white-fonting general stuff about Deadman? He's been around for a very long time.
I was just following P-C's convention, since he came up in discussion on Nightwing #102. Maybe a little over-zealous with the whitefont.
Deadman was a major (albeit stealthy) player in the Invasion! miniseries back in the 80s. That was post-Crisis, but just barely.
Deadman was a major (albeit stealthy) player in the Invasion! miniseries back in the 80s. That was post-Crisis, but just barely.
Yeah, and an assload of that stuff's been retconned away between Zero Hour and other events of note.
(Notes that the painful post-Crisis Huntress origin story was totally redone, thank DOG.)
(Notes that the painful post-Crisis Huntress origin story was totally redone, thank DOG.)
Was this the one replaced by Rucka's "Cry for Blood" mini-series, featuring the Question as a guest player? That's really the origin I'm familiar with, although I've read summaries of what went before.
Was this the one replaced by Rucka's "Cry for Blood" mini-series, featuring the Question as a guest player?
Yeah. I have some of the early stuff, from when she had her own just post-Crisis title, and it's really, really horrible. Be glad it's gone.