I think about whether I'm happy or not all the time. Being quizzed on it by someone who doesn't even know the underpinnings of my psyche? I'd find it presumptuous/intrusive. I'm not going into details of my physical health with them either.
I'm with ita. It's nobody's damn business but mine.
So. Teen Titans #19: time-travel stories make my head hurt.
You know it's an
AU when cabdrivers in NYC are nice to pedestrians. Apparently "The East" = Pleasantville, 2014.
Captain Marvel Junior is a DORK! "We have cupcakes and milk if you're hungry. I made them myself!"
Dork dork dorkity dork.
Starfire is
with Nightwing in the future?!? (Hmmm. I like Dick with Babs more.) Is this going to happen in Outsiders?
Hmmm. I don't know what I think about that.
The 2-page spread
of the fight is gorgeous. Kid Flashes
I'm such an unrepentant Tim fangirl that I didn't even notice until this issue how damned much I love the way that Geoff Johns writes Kon, exemplified in this exchange --
Robin [to Kon]: "You cool?"
Kon: "Dude. Batman sucks. You rock."
::snerk:: Kon's kind of a tool, but he's also the most typically teen of the Titans. (Plus, I like to think that
"you rock" is Kryptonian for "please remove your clothing.")
Here's where my willing disbelief can no longer be suspended --
Kon could NEVER fit into one of Tim's shirts. I think it was a thinly veiled attempt to take his shirt off in Tim's room. Plus, the pure porn of the handclasp -- I think it was an impromptu Kryptonian handfasting ceremony.
The Starfire thing--gag me with a spoon.
Kon is a tool, and there's no way
he'd fit into a Tim shirt. He's like twice Tim's size.
I have great old school love for
Kory and Nightwing.
I'm not mad at that.
How did you feel about this week's Batgirl, Steph? I felt the cessation of
Tim/Cass was a bit abrupt, but I really like the last panel.
That's my girl.
Here's where my willing disbelief can no longer be suspended
I've seen that happen though.
My hockey playing pal once went out clubbing with me wearing a T-shirt his girlfriend had bought for her little brother, whom he outweighed and out-muscled by about 50 pounds. It worked for him. And for lots of people who saw him at the club
How did you feel about this week's Batgirl, Steph?
Heh. Today was going to be my day to make my big squeeing post about Batgirl. I didn't expect the
Tim/Cass to happen just *yet* -- I can't picture those two falling into the grief-related H/C nookie -- but I do think it'll happen. Or, okay, maybe I just really want it to. But they're both in Bludhaven for the time being, so they're going to cross paths, no doubt.
I'm going to keep reading Batgirl, but I am so over the Robin title. Which sucks, because Timmay is my main man. But Willingham (say it with me) delenda est.
Other thoughts:
angry rage-filled Tim!
Granted, it's totally understandable, and yet --
he's Cipher Boy. I love that it took a staged fight for him to let loose with even a little of it.
And, DAMN,
he SHOT Batgirl!!! He fucking SHOT her!
I'm sure that Tim knows better than anyone
what a Bat-suit can handle, but still. He didn't even hesitate, and Cass -- good god. She knew what he was going to do, through the whole fight, and then took it up a notch.
(Because didn't Tim say that
he didn't know Cass could STOP HER FREAKING HEART,
or am I misremembering?)
And --
two for flinching! I remember the issue of Batgirl where she and Steph had that "My dad sucks," "My dad sucks WORSE" conversation.
I really liked that bit of continuity.
I also liked
the symmetry of Cass stitching up Tim at the beginning of this wee crossover, and then Tim stitching up Cass at the end.
Also, today's Dork Tower seems appropriate for this thread....
Talk about appropriate...
Talk about appropriate...
Heh. Story of my life. It's dangerous working next door to a Half-Price Books. Particularly since they started carrying comics.
I have Kory issues, but that's what I get for reading creator comments, and they're all related to those, anyhow.
(The creator comments basically make it sound like they were gushing about putting together the most perfect sex doll in the world. It squicked pretty hardcore. "She's tender and naive, yet openly sexual and fierce and passionate! Only $19.95 plus shipping and handling!")