This week: BoP 77, GK 60
To check out in store, because I need to finish the current arc but can't support the Willingham: Robin 133
To check out in store even though I already spoiled myself: IC 7
Thin week.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
This week: BoP 77, GK 60
To check out in store, because I need to finish the current arc but can't support the Willingham: Robin 133
To check out in store even though I already spoiled myself: IC 7
Thin week.
Very thin -- I have no Marvel. I need to get 133, because she's in it, but I hear you. I didn't realise who Tim could be, and it's a crime that's not who he is in his title.
IC#7 and Ultimate Spiderman #70 for me this week. Am I the only one still reading the latter title?
It's probably a thick week for me--we've had shipping issues, so I've got a bunch of stuff that SHOULD finally be in.
Robin is no longer on my pull list, despite my great big incoherent Timmay-love (Willingham delenda est), but I'm going to get it this week, because of the crossover.
New Powers book this week.
Ex Machina #7
Identity Crisis #7
Oh! Yay! When people were saying "next Wednesday" they meant this Wednesday! I get to read it before I leave.
I didn't realise who Tim could be, and it's a crime that's not who he is in his title.
My ginormous order of Robin back issues arrived yesterday. I only managed to read the first 14 issues last night, but damn, that's my Timmy. The one who will stab Azrael with a birdarang, the one who trained with Lady Shiva, the one who can take on KGBeast while protecting an unconscious Detective Bullock in the middle of a raging fire while ALSO saving Gotham from KGBeast's nuclear device.
My Tim resents his father as much as he loves him, and maybe absence made the heart fonder than reality, because he filled that empty place where his family used to be with Bats. My Tim cannot flirt to save his life. My Tim is insecure, fiercely proud and has a temper, but he's pretty good at keeping them in check when he's working. My Tim keeps secrets from Batman. My Tim has towel fights with Dick in the laundry room of Stately Wayne Manor. My Tim can be hanging upside-down from a jumpline twenty stories up while risking his life in some wildly dangerous way, and he will ask himself seriously, "What Would Batman Do?" My Tim has a sense of humor like the Sahara. My Tim has to pretend more when he's out of the suit than when he's being Robin. Even my Tim's nightmares need therapy.
My Tim wears fifteen-layer nomex and his boots have toes.
My Tim resents his father as much as he loves him, and maybe absence made the heart fonder than reality, because he filled that empty place where his family used to be with Bats. My Tim cannot flirt to save his life. My Tim is insecure, fiercely proud and has a temper, but he's pretty good at keeping them in check when he's working. My Tim keeps secrets from Batman. My Tim has towel fights with Dick in the laundry room of Stately Wayne Manor. My Tim can be hanging upside-down from a jumpline twenty stories up while risking his life in some wildly dangerous way, and he will ask himself seriously, "What Would Batman Do?" My Tim has a sense of humor like the Sahara. My Tim has to pretend more when he's out of the suit than when he's being Robin. Even my Tim's nightmares need therapy.
My Tim wears fifteen-layer nomex and his boots have toes.
Just needed to see that again. Because YES. TIMMY.
Can someone give me a rundown on current Robin? I'd read it, but, you know, rage.
Okay, I've seen Willingham rage--what's going on? What's with the hate-on?