I also peg Juggernaut as dumber
Eh, Juggernaut's supposed to be stupid, although a lot of writers have gotten him wrong. He's supposed to be a fairly normal guy upstairs, albeit with a lot of anger-management issues.
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I also peg Juggernaut as dumber
Eh, Juggernaut's supposed to be stupid, although a lot of writers have gotten him wrong. He's supposed to be a fairly normal guy upstairs, albeit with a lot of anger-management issues.
So, looks like Storm is faster, and the other factors are even.
But they've shown him dodging machine gun fire, and grabbing a knife thrown at his throat fast enough to then catch his cigarette before it could fall...
Thanks CaBil! That's exactly what I was wondering.
Juggernaut's supposed to be stupid, although a lot of writers have gotten him wrong. He's supposed to be a fairly normal guy upstairs, albeit with a lot of anger-management issues.
Wait -- I don't understand -- is Jugs stupid, or normal? I figure they just don't want anyone dumb on their team. He's always seemed very easy to play.
And no, they've never shown Storm as that fast, so I'm surprised by her stat in that category too.
I also don't remember them showing Nightcrawler as especially smart -- I mean, he is faster than he's smart, and that's no insult.
Wait -- I don't understand -- is Jugs stupid, or normal? I figure they just don't want anyone dumb on their team. He's always seemed very easy to play.
Jugs isn't stupid, but over the years, there's been a lot of writers who write him like he's the Hulk or something. And there really are a lot of emotional problems going on with him, which I think is what makes him interesting.
Although the "Trial of Juggernaut" wasn't that good, he did have a good bit about how everyone always thinks he's dumber than he is, how he knows a few things and has opinions. And then he slept with She-Hulk.
he knows a few things and has opinions
Ooh, that's some faint praise, right there.
I doubt Marvel is going to come out and say someone with an IQ of less than 100 is on one of their top teams. Sure, they'll write him that way, but not go on record as stating it.
I would love to see all the stats in one place. But there's no other group I'm interested enough in to buy their handbook. I wonder if they pull crap out of a hat, or actually have some back and forth on it.
Ooh, that's some faint praise, right there.
That's most everybody, really.
I'd argue that Gambit is a bit more capable in a fight than Storm if they don't use their energy/explosive/environment compromising powers. And vastly moreso than Cyclops or Johnny Storm. Also handy with the lockpicking, stealth, and charming the pants off any villainesses.Citing X-Men #25 (1992), the climax of "Fatal Attractions": They have to board Asteroid M to take on Magneto, and they do things very similarly: Jean and Xavier for telepathic attack, Wolverine and Gambit for stealth and tactics, and Rogue and Quicksilver for their connections to Magneto (and also for fighting prowess). Cyclops makes direct mention that "high-octane energy wielders" are out of the equation, for the reasons stated previously in this thread. Gambit's in the mix strictly as a thief and a scrapper.
I never trust numerical stats on comic book heroes when mentioned in the comics themselves, much less in a Marvel index. Writers certainly don't pay attention to such things when they come on board and make characters do things outside of what those lists establish. One writer said Quicksilver can do 190 mph and another makes him do laps around a military complex so fast he doesn't appear to be moving at all.
Oh, that reminds me (tangentially) -- what's Rogue's invulnerability level? A pretty crappy (don't make me have to start reading them before buying them) X-Men Unlimited had her getting all beat up and even wounded by Marvel Girl -- and it didn't look like that big a fight.
She once withstood a nuke blast over the ocean. It wasn't a huge warhead and she was a couple miles off, but the explosion only knocked her unconscious instead of vaporizing her. From what I can tell, it's really, really hard to even break her skin. She had a four-issue limited series a few years back in which her powers got shut off briefly and she was stabbed in the arm; she was shocked because it had never happened to her before.
eta: Again, though, certain writers take things like this to greater or lesser extremes. The first instance was Claremont, to give you an idea.