I still can't find TT 18. I made my 7th attempt today, to the accursed Secret Stash, and I still don't have it. If I'd known it was going to be difficult, I'd just have asked them to pull me a copy at attempt #1.
On the upside, I do have Fugitive #3, and got to hear about Benicio Del Toro shopping at the Stash last night, and
being asked for ID.
Also some DAMN tasty Batman, which I will be bogarting all to myself, thank you, if other people are not going to be properly appreciative.
And Bale? Is a Welshman. ::is smug for no good reason::
ita -- shall I call my comics guy tomorrow and see if they have TT#18?
I can't pick it up before next week -- but he'll hold it for me.
Thanks for the offer, sumi. I'm going to try pouting Wednesday at the place near work. If that fails, there will be the all hell, and the breaking loose thereof.
Okay, so the Batman story "Son of the Demon" (which seems to be a standalone) -- is it canon, or AU?
Okay, so the Batman story "Son of the Demon" (which seems to be a standalone) -- is it canon, or AU?
Well, that's difficult to answer--DC left it vague, mostly because they're a little divided internally on some of the specifics. However, many alternate futures have shown Talia and Batman's son, Ibn al Xu’ffasch, most notably in "Kingdom Come."
I am now officially in a makeup-fic place. Where's shrift when we need her?
Um, I believe I was off being sick, doing laundry, paying bills, and writing in non-Bat fandoms. Why, did you have a character in mind?
Victor, I'm pretty certain it's been officially out of continuity since Zero Hour.
Why, did you have a character in mind?
I think they're imagining a conflation of your glam rock and Batman interests...
I think they're imagining a conflation of your glam rock and Batman interests...
Well. Let it not be said that I haven't
conflated the two in fan fiction for a cliché porn challenge. Sort of.
Going away now.