Oh! My favorite line from Batgirl, the one I think I might have to make an LJ icon out of: "Yes, well, Batgirl prefers to watch."
Heh. Best. Line. EVAH.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Oh! My favorite line from Batgirl, the one I think I might have to make an LJ icon out of: "Yes, well, Batgirl prefers to watch."
Heh. Best. Line. EVAH.
Did anyone else buy Green Lantern Rebirth today? Looked interesting to me, I like the disjointed "Call of Cthulhu" style approach of the various scenes. But I had to ask what is Batman's malfunction? I get that he bore a grudge over Hal's breakdown, but theorizing that he bought the farm in Final Night as part of some master plan to become the Spectre is paranoid thinking on a level that makes most of his villains in Arkham look rational by comparison. And it's not as if the Spectre didn't have sinister episodes back when Corrigan was the ghost empowered by it... for example, you'd think he might have noticed it going ballistic and flash frying Markovia a few years ago .
Does anyone know when Astonishing X-Men #7 will be available?
Should be available this week. According to Marvel, it came out yesterday.
It wasn't on Comiclist for this week, nor was it at my store.
I decided to test run some of those recs. I bought a TPB of Fables, as well as #8 (it was there for list, and earlier than the TPB, so I did).
And I've electronically ganked Ex Machina 1-5, and am also getting Y.
Just read Machina #1 (I keep wanting to call it X Machina -- too much Marvel), and I do have to say -- totally didn't see the last page coming, and damn, nice job.
What's the defining characteristic of the Wildstorm imprint?
When I looked at the New Comics Release List it said that Astounishing #7 had been moved from this week to December 22.
Damn, I forgot about Manhunter!
I picked up Batman, Batgirl, Flash and Green Lantern.
I'm finding Green Lantern rather confusing -- possibly because I don't know the backstory well enough.
And in the Flash, Wally's reaction to Linda somehow seemed sinister. Did anyone else think that?
I loved Bats and Batgirl. I agree that whoever the writer was did an amazing job with an issue that was primarily exposition.
I bought a TPB of Fables, as well as #8 (it was there for list, and earlier than the TPB, so I did).
Which trade?
totally didn't see the last page coming, and damn, nice job.
Yeah. My pusher recommended it to me, saying it was the kind of cliffhanger you totally should not be allowed to have earned in your very first issue, but it still works.
What's the defining characteristic of the Wildstorm imprint?
I was wondering that myself, as I realized Ex Machina was Wildstorm, not Vertigo.
Which trade?
Love Stories, I think? The one that starts off with Jack and the sack and the Grim Reaper.
Ah, Storybook Love. That's the only one I have, I think.
#8 probably falls somewhere during Animal Farm.
#8 probably falls somewhere during Animal Farm.
That sounds as good a description as any. Quite confusing -- revolution, guns, talking pigs.