I'm really bad at seeing the sort of thing people were complaining about -- I do think that Mr. Drake got more agency in his demise (for all the good it did him), but am not sure if where I fall on the idea that starting with a defenseless and beloved woman was a) cheap b) exploitative or c) efficiently effective.
And really, if b) do they do it because they think it's the skeeriest thing ever, or because they know it will make most of their readers reel with the most horror? That "escalating" to the slightly armed and XY sorts will make it clear that
at risk?
Doesn't the reveal that they fucked with Dr. Light's brain count as spreading the misery around with the men?
Well, technically. But he's hardly a sympathetic figure that most readers will feel concern for/identification with.
Plus, they did it after he raped Sue, so again a woman is victimized.
Huh. All I have today is new
and new
Though there's also new
for those of you into that sort of thing.
I'm in it for the Batman and the Ultimate Elektra (which is kinda lame, but I'm at the point where I might as well finish). And last week's TT, which was sold out.
How's Hellblazer doing these days? How's Vertigo in general? Any recs?
How's Vertigo in general? Any recs?
Fables, Y the Last Man,
Ex Machina.
Oh, and
100 Bullets.
And new Flash and new Powers (I think).
I get comics on Friday, and boy am I looking forward to it. IC #6, Manhunter #4, Angeltown #1, Life During Wartime #5, Kabuki #2 (maybe), and Astonishing #7. Cannot wait.
How's Vertigo in general? Any recs?
Life During Wartime, Y the Last Man. Heard good things on 100 Bullets.