I've been thinking about how much I like it, because I was thinking maybe I thought
Finding Nemo
better, but lately I'm thinking it may be better because I can identify with superheroes better than fish.
Finding Nemo
may be funnier, though.
And my disbelief is heightened by the fact that I thought an old-school comics fan like Broomy would surely have seen it by now.
I don't watch movies unless I have friends who'll go with me, and my circle of friends has a habit of going to see movies without telling me. Fortunately, this girl seems to have the same problem.
Fortunately, this girl seems to have the same problem.
Cool. Something in common. ;)
Fortunately, this girl seems to have the same problem.
I was about to say. There's a girl now, dammit!
I know there are lots of superheroes who are related, but I can't think of ones who actually fight as a family.
Power Pack
- but they were siblings. And kids.
Amusingly enough, the Marvel summary mentions that Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue, whom I didn't even know existed, joined the Power Pack at one point.
Oy, years of successful deliberate amnesia, and you bring it all back!
Actually, Brad Bird said in an interview that the powers map onto the roles/personality of each family member, rather than a specific FF reference.
Though Violet needed to make it clear the force field power was more a way to keep people away from here...
I had had a though about TT 18. Right at the beginning of the issue, when
is talking to
he says that the
"Titans from the past are here. Just like I remember it."
But later, when
Bat!Tim and Robin!Tim
are fighting,
says the future Titans are going to
erase the kids' memories to preserve the timeline.
So how does
future!Bart remember
? Is it a plot point, or was Johns just being sloppy?
I'm pretty sure it's a plot point.