Amazon recommended Monster Island an Angel novel involving Doyle's father.
Also, have you read the synopses for Seven Crows? It's a Buffy/Angel cross-over with Mr. & Mrs. Finn.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Amazon recommended Monster Island an Angel novel involving Doyle's father.
Also, have you read the synopses for Seven Crows? It's a Buffy/Angel cross-over with Mr. & Mrs. Finn.
have you read the synopses for Seven Crows?
It took me a minute to realize you'd white-fonted there, Sumi. Warning: not for the faint-hearted.
t edit And you left the white font tag open, but I fixed it. :)
Thanks jon. I don't know why they thought this was a good idea.
I bet it seemed a good idea because someone thought they could get the original concept for the character to work. Since books don't have the same budget limitations that tv has.
I mean, it is possible to write interesting stories with those characters. I wouldn't have thrown both of the other characters into the mix, though.
And damn it, do we have white-font what would be in the back of the novel anyways? I mean, whatever is on the solicitation must be fair game, right?
I whitefonted for the squicky.
I thought the white-font was funny.
Since books don't have the same budget limitations that tv has.
Meaning they don't have to pay for a good actor & actress?
Sigh. Possibly.
Supposedly Joss said the biggest thing he would change, if he had to do it over again, is that season is he didn't have the budget to do all the James Bondian stuff he had originally envisioned for the character and his group.
[sarcasm on]Sure, that would have made them so much better! [/sarcasm off]
Actually, throw in some Gun-Fu. so what they did seemed different from what the Scooby Gang did and so they had some interesting visuals, it could have worked...