Damn, I meant to get LotDK and spaced on it. Phooey. Got NW, Identity Crisis, and the last issue of BoP, which I'd missed. Plus Emma Frost and Ultimate X-Men for a co-worker.
Meh. A placeholder/breather issue. Tempted to say "Comic not called 'Tarantula,'" even as I understand why she's so front and center. I even kind of want Dick to be more completely decompensated -- is that wrong of me? And I like Babs showing up there at the end, of course.
What time period was that? All I know if he first appeared in the 60s and I'm now up to the mid-eighties and he's still wearing the same really dumb-looking outfit.
Kalshane, I think that's early 90s X-Factor where he has an improved costume. I think it was mid 90s when he went back to the old one. Although I don't remember if that's what he wore in Mutant X. Hmmm... I'll have to check.
They got rid of the stupid thing and then put him back in it? Wow.
It's interesting to me that some superhero/villain costumes stand the test of time, or even if they have flaws they become such icons that we're willing to overlook them, (Magneto, Superman, Spiderman) while others seem cool in one era and dorky in the next, (the original X-Men's "individualized" costumes) and others are just plain bad and stay that way. (Havoc)
I like Havoc's costume.
Yeah, me too. It was immediately distinctive. Nobody else had a planetary orbital model on their head.
No one else had that kind of balance!
No one else had that kind of balance!
Heh. I am now imagining a geek superhero who makes his costume so complex that it requires all of his superpowers just to maintain the costume. "Can't fight. Supervillains....Must telekinetically maintain orbiting costume accessories in perfect alignment with....Transit of Venus."
Sorry, the fact it looks like you could shred cheese with his skull, combined with that gemstone-thing in the middle of his forhead and the funky mask that makes his face looked stretched out just doesn't work for me.
Havok's headpiece is a lot smaller now. Less wide orbits.