Coffee, black:
Also, "Identity Crisis" comes out today. DC comics murder mystery, written by Brad Meltzer, who's work on "Green Arrow" seriously kicked. Supposed to feature the "Satellite Era" JLA--Green Arrow, Hawkman, Atom, Black Canary, Zatanna and Elongated Man. Previews look awesome.
Does anybody else wish we had a "Joss signal?" I'm of a mind to pick the big guy's brain about the state of American comics.
I'm guessing he's a little busy now that Serenity is shooting.
I'm guessing he's a little busy now that Serenity is shooting.
Oh, sure. Likely excuse. Working. Since when has that ever prevented people from chatting on Buffy fan boards? (:
Elsewhere on the net, and many, many years ago, there was information being passed around on how to perform a mystical ritual to summon Grant Morrisson. I'm really, really not making that up.
Elongated Man
Worst. Superhero. Name. Ever.
Havoc's costume? Still dumb. (Can't believe a costume that lame hasn't changed once in 15+ years.)
It has, actually. Check out Peter David's X-factor run after 72 or 73. Havok spent some time in a suit that, while not necessairily better, was much more in line with the style of the time. (He had an onion on his belt).
Worst. Superhero. Name. Ever.
Yeah, but a great character.
Is there any reason for the Elongated Man to exist now that DC owns the rights to Plastic Man?
I just had a fleeting urge to search for Plastic/Elongated slash.
Thankfully, the urge passed before I could act.
Is there any reason for the Elongated Man to exist now that DC owns the rights to Plastic Man?
He's been played more recently as a more mature detective type, and it sounds like Meltzer's going to put him in the forefront.
Also, "Identity Crisis" comes out today. DC comics murder mystery, written by Brad Meltzer, who's work on "Green Arrow" seriously kicked. Supposed to feature the "Satellite Era" JLA--Green Arrow, Hawkman, Atom, Black Canary, Zatanna and Elongated Man. Previews look awesome.
Oh shit. That's right.
Well, crap. I'll be twitching all day until I can boogie off to get my pulls.