Picked up two Green Arrow trades today. Both Kevin Smith.
What's the one that's not Quiver?
I didn't go to the comic book sale on Wed. and thus didn't pick up two trades. This is good because it means I'll actually spend less money on Saturday when I head over there, since I'll not be able to justify buying two on a "but it's half off!" thing.
Probably gonna get Y - The Last Man TPB #2.
Debating about Essential Wolvie #1 - I could read it in the store, but it's so nice to HAVE those. But I think, with my upcoming month of free time (that ought to be spent cleaning, packing, and updating websites) I will probably be visiting the megabookstores quite a bit and treating them like libraries for comics.
What's the one that's not Quiver?
Er. Sounds of Violence, I believe.
As for Quiver, I liked it well enough. I think it did what it needed to do in terms of rebooting that much history, although I felt that the exposition got a little too exposition-y at times.
But I was laughing out loud while reading it, and I stayed up until almost 3am this morning just to see how it ended. And I really dig the art.
Got Ult. Spidey #59 and #60 as well as Ult. X-Men #44 and #46. They didn't have Ult. Spidey #58
Man, I am SO far behind in Ultimate Spidey! The last one I have is #53. If they're up to #60, then at this point I'ma just wait for the next TPB.
Man, I am SO far behind in Ultimate Spidey!
I wish I had been more behind. After reading the first 57 in a straight shot, reading only two of them at once was kind of a let down. Want more.
After reading the first 57 in a straight shot
Spidey giving the Kingpin's thug a wedgie was the funniest damn thing I've seen in a comic in a long time. I generally don't laugh out loud at anything I'm reading -- text or comics -- but that made me do my loud embarrassing donkey laugh.
I've had many laugh out loud moments reading Ultimate Spidey. It's actually easier for a book or other written material to ellicit "Oh my God, I'm going to die" levels of laughter from me than TV or movies or whatnot. I also loved the little bit after Kingpin and Spidey have their little chat in the restaraunt and Spidey gets up to leave.
Kingpin: Young man, did you web my feet to the floor?
Spidey: Maybe.
Kingpin: What possible satisfaction could you gain from doing that?
Spidey: I don't understand you and you don't understand me.
I love that you don't even see the webbing, just the perturbed look on Kingpin's face.
(Edited to fix formatting)
I also loved the little bit after Kingpin and Spidey have their little chat in the restaraunt and Spidey gets up to leave.
Kingpin: Young man, did you web my feet to the floor?
Oh, yeah!!! I laughed at that, too -- AND at Aunt May telling Jonah Jameson that Hitler wants his moustache back!
Is the 3 issue Miracleman Apocrypha series worth getting?
It was pretty obviously written by lesser lights than Moore or Gaiman. I don't really remember much else about it.
I skimmed over the last...um...92 posts and don't think this has been posted:
Oh, yeah!!! I laughed at that, too -- AND at Aunt May telling Jonah Jameson that Hitler wants his moustache back!
Yes, I absolutely adored Aunt May telling JJ off. Even though she's a very different person than the classic Aunt May, I think she's a great character.