I've been reading Alias lately and am really liking that as well. The art isn't that great IMO, though.
Alias is pretty cool, yeah. The storylines are nice and dark, but since they're not as wham-bam as Powers, they don't end up being as anticlimactic. The art is weird, yeah. Feels dirty. After you get through it, check out Pulse, which is great so far.
How could I forget Image?
Heh. Actually, with Powers moving to Marvel, I won't have that anymore.
I still have to return your copy of "Who Killed Retro Girl?" though I wanna keep it and love it forever and ever, and I picked up "Roleplay".
I'm a Powers addict, now, you pusher, you.
Sweet, we got another one! Yeah, "Who Killed Retro Girl?" hooked me pretty good. And "Role-play" isn't bad either. Leetle creepy, really.
Now I have to get you people into Fables. Fables, people. It's so awesome. And 100 Bullets. Superwackyconspiracyfun.
Yeah, I'm mostly Marvel as well, with Vertigo and Image exceptions.
Oh yeah. DUH. Image. How could I forget Image? And America's Best & sometimes Top Cow. Only very rarely on those 2.
I'm another mostly Marvel, with a little Vertigo. But I can't think of any Image books I've loved.
Did Top Cow do Rising Stars? Because I loved that one. Also, I read some Wildstorm comics - mostly Warren Ellis's run on Stormwatch and the Authority, and Planetary.
Yay MM!!! One of us...one of us!! P-C, I have the Pulse ready to go once I finish Alias.
Other comics I read are Courtney Crumrin, Dead @ 17, Ghouly Boys (new one and it's so adorable), and Private Beach (just read a trade paperback and really enjoyed it - hilarious).
I'm fairly split between DC and Marvel. If I get back into any Vertigo, then I will be flashing right back to university.
That's what I'm doing anyway. I'm just not done yet. I
I was scanning the racks with a fresh eye, but when I picked up Firestorm #1, I realised I'm just flashing back to the early 90s.
Still, Outsiders and Titans and X-Men are cool again. Where does a former devotee of Books Of Magic and Sandman go? Is Hellblazer still good?
Where does a former devotee of Books Of Magic and Sandman go?
Well, if you like/can tolerate the manga art style, there's a rather adorable Death American manga.
Where does a former devotee of Books Of Magic and Sandman go?
Have you tried Fables? I like that a lot.
Oh, you're Snacky! Of Snacky's Law fame! Hi!
I love Jill Thompson as a rule, but I found the Death manga a little meh. Sandman fans should definitely check out at least the first two Lucifer TPBs as well as Fables.