Kitty's speed is the speed of a normal human -- that's not under debate.
Kitty gained great fighting skills while possessed in the Kitty Pryde & Wolverine miniseries way back when, but no, she's never lived off it the way Wolverine has.
And I still don't see the Beast/Wolvie similarities.
Rogue v. Buffy... I think I know who wins this one.
Hmm, can Rogue bogart slayer powers as well as mutant ones?
Should be able to.
Question is, she has a history of not dealing well with the mental baggage of the powers. I wonder if being slammed with millennium of Slayer memories all at once will feel?
I wonder if being slammed with millennium of Slayer memories all at once will feel?
Do you think she'll have access to what Buffy doesn't?
It's been implied that the Slayer 'powers' affects individuals differently. They all tend to get a basic package of strength, combat intisincts, etc., but the amount of memories/visions seems to vary.
For instance, psycho-girl of Angel seemed to living the memories of the previous slayers far more strongly than Buffy every did, Faith never evinced any of the Slayer memories other than the passive combat ones while Buffy was known to have the rare prophetic dream
DX, I'm with you on Rogue. I like the X-Men movies, but Rogue character in the movies is more like someone with Rogue's powers in a Kitty Pryde/Jubilee relationship w/Logan, then the actual Rogue. Plus, Marie?
Polter, Emma's been known for her skimpy, more underwear-than-outerwear costumes for a long time. Also, she and Kitty have a contentious history. I think she basically kidnapped her at one time, and forced her to join the Hellions, back when Emma wasn't a good guy.
The Legacy virus was almost 10 years ago, wasn't it?
ita, the cure was about 3 years ago. But it was an ongoing storyline for about 10 years. It started at the end of the X-cutioner's Song crossover, I think, and that was the early 90s.
Snacky, right. I'm not dissing Anna Paquin, because I think she's great, but the Rogue in the movie is a lot closer to Kitty than the comic Rogue.
(Sorry, I'm a Marvel girl, with the rare Batman & Vertigo exception.)
Yeah, I'm mostly Marvel as well, with Vertigo and Image exceptions. Except now, Nightwing.
Also, she and Kitty have a contentious history.
Ah, okay, see, that helps. Thanks.
I haven't picked up the Astonishing X-Men yet, so I'm skipping through posts with my hands over my eyes, but I just wanted to say:
Ah hell. This is the girly soap-opera version of "Dude, if Batman and Superman fought, who would win?" isn't it?
Yes, it is.
Also, Leonard Pierce's take on Powers (as will be seen whenever we finish the next High Hat) is that Bendis is trying to pick up the next Great Leap Forward in comics that Alan Moore started in the 1980s, but has a tendency to get sidetracked into subpar storylines. He has great hopes for Powers Mark II, though.