It's Alan Moore. All bow down before the genius of Alan Moore.
See, normally, I'd agree with you, but then I read Judgment Day and was left scratching my head at the supposed genius. But I still want to read Miracleman.
So I read AXM. I agree with a lot of the complaints re: the art, Beast's new look, the costumes, etc. The reveal at the end somehow didn't register for me, because it felt like something they must have already done a thousand times during the run. The impact for me came from the fact I figured she was going to end with the KILL ALL MUTANTS message we all know and love, and so that was a small surprise.
Aw, Harry Potter reference.
I also read Secret War. Is it wrong to like Secret War? Cause I really like it. Not only is it pretty, but I'm a fan of the whole superhero/military intrigue stuff, like in Ultimates and Ultimate Six. And Spidey's not wanting to run into the Green Goblin, or the Hobgoblin, or the Antigoblin, or any other goblin-like creatures was hilarious. I really do need to read Ultimate Spidey, don't I. Damn you, Bendis. Daaaaamn yooooouu!