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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Yeah. I'm, uh, pathetically addicted, and I know it. On the other hand, I might actually have intelligent things to say to Warren Ellis and Peter David at Dragon*Con this year.
Well, when you see Warren Ellis tell him from me that we NEED MORE PLANETARY NOW!
Um, yes, pathetically addicted indeed. Heh.
I got mine at the Virgin Megastore, Tom, but they've got it at Amazon for a little under 17 dollah.
If you've never seen any of spiegelman's "In The Shadow of No Towers" installments, which have only been published in the UK and Germany before, you really really really need this. If you're already a major geek on indie comics, you may have some of this material already, though: see [link] for a more detailed review.
I made our IT guy cry by showing him the shrinkwrapped book and not letting him open it. My work here is done.
I've decided that the next time I have a few hundred extra dollars, I'm going to buy all the Cerebus TPBs.
Or at least try to bittorrent the Nightwing back issues.
There should be torrents floating around out there for 1-91.
I have, what? 75-92? on a flash drive in my purse. That seems like a whole new layer of geek.
He's fun. He's snarky. He's a deliciously complex character. And he's ALLERGIC TO SHIRTS.
The Teen Titans cartoon on Cartoon Network last night was the one that flashes forward 20 years, when Robin has become Nightwing, and all I could think, now that I've read 75-93, was "Buddy, you have NO idea what's coming."
I get that way with One-Eyed Xander now, too, when I see early BtVS.
Last night, I decided that In Darkest Knight may replace Thrillkiller as my Irrational Most-loved Elseworld.
Bruce as a *grim* Green Lantern made me unspeakably happy. Possibly perfectly. There may have been leather pants.
I got mine at the Virgin Megastore, Tom
Are you in love with the girl at the checkout desk?
Yeah, comic store employees can sometimes turn out to be like the guys who work in the record store in High Fidelity.
I find bouncing a little helps with that.
...yes, um. The guy @ the shop today was VERY helpful, and I give no little credit to the fact that today I'm a cleavagey slutbomb - they hadn't put Astonishing out yet, but he said several people had already come in asking for it. (Ummm. That sounds - just never mind.)
Dickwiki! I'm going to be saying that ALL. DAMN. DAY. Dickwiki!
It comes trippingly off the tongue.
And next thing you know, I've got the entire Batfamily in my box, and I'm hitting the backissues bins twice a week, and trolling eBay for bargains, and getting my crackhits from Milehigh Comics.
Why, is there something wrong with this lifestyle?
This was me, when I was on full scholarship with assloads of spending cash.
Hmmm, at my comic store, I believe almost the entire place is alphabetical by title. They used to separate them by publisher, but now they're all out there together, Marvel and DC cheek by jowl, with little shelf talkers to tell us what's "New This Week!"
This is my comic book store.
amych, where do you get your comics? Books Do?
Books Do?
Yep, unless I happen to be in Raleigh that day.
Ultimate was the ultimate, and Astonishing astonished me.
Sadly, I also picked up Secret War. Which I like. Dammit.
The comic store near work separates publishers, and then sorta by grouping -- Batstuff is near each other, X-Stuff together, and all that.
This is good, because I can never remember Extreme from Excalibur from Alternate X-Whatsit.
When I lived in New Orleans, I shopped here:
Crescent City Comics & Cards:
6111 Elysian Fields Ave., New Orleans, LA, 70122
Ph: (877) 992-6642 Fx: (504) 286-0465
Pretty good, but maybe a bit out of the way -- it was near where I was living.
This is probably the wrong place to ask, but does anyone know where I could find a bittorrent "how-to"? In case I decide ::cough:: I want all Nightwing back issues.