The new McSweeney's Quarterly is guest-edited by CHRIS WARE! And it's got comics and commentary/reminiscence about comics in childhood from creators like Ware, Lynda Barry, Daniel Clowes, art spiegelman, Adrian Tomine, Charles Burns and commentators like John Updike and little-known radio host Ira Glass.
Just the Ware cover is worth the price. Oh my Lord, it's lovely.
Also I forgot to mention that in 2 stores the new comics are arranged alphabetically.
That's whack. I mean, maybe I'm weird, but I think in terms of publisher first, then alphabetically. Or I've possibly had the Marvel vs. DC discussion a few too many times.
Hmmm, at my comic store, I believe almost the entire place is alphabetical by title. They used to separate them by publisher, but now they're all out there together, Marvel and DC cheek by jowl, with little shelf talkers to tell us what's "New This Week!"
Why, is there something wrong with this lifestyle?
No, no! It's a lovely, if all-consuming, lifestyle.
Thanks, hayden, that wasn't one of the two I was considering. Hmmm.
I think in terms of publisher first, then alphabetically
Me too. My regular place has wall racks for recent Marvel, DC, and Other, and backstock is alpha by title. My less-regular place is, uh, I find my way around anew every time I go there.
Run, Snacky! Before it's too late.
Or at least try to bittorrent the Nightwing back issues. Because it will save you cash.
Or at least try to bittorrent the Nightwing back issues.
There should be torrents floating around out there for 1-91. We're only up to 93, so that's pretty nearly up-to-date.
And I can hook peeps up with the remaining. Just e.
I am technologically inept, and don't know how to bittorrent things. Plus, at home I have an old mac, which I don't think is compatible with bittorrent.
Yes, you can see I've been thinking about this a bit.
I was about to edit and add the same, but hey, better Plei's bandwidth than mine....
My regular place has wall racks for recent Marvel, DC, and Other, and backstock is alpha by title.
Yes, this. And some of the boxes of backstock are on the floor under a shelf, so I get to plop down on the ground and dig, and nobody looks at me sideways.
It's a lovely, if all-consuming, lifestyle.
Yeah. I'm, uh, pathetically addicted, and I know it. On the other hand, I might actually have intelligent things to say to Warren Ellis and Peter David at Dragon*Con this year.