I was explaining to a friend last night that the huge shelf in front of him? Was all since December, save for a core few.
Snerk. Dude, I'm so gonna compile my "pre-December" and "post-crack addiction" list of comics now. (What was it about December?)
(Oh, and Plei? Got smacked by a plotty Tim story last night. Might wanna bounce and idea or two -- and on edit, duh, I can e you now while I'm thinking about it.)
(Oh, and Plei? Got smacked by a plotty Tim story last night. Might wanna bounce and idea or two, if you're around later.)
I'll be near AIM tonight, and on my profile e off and on.
Ple thanks! When I bought the back issues I didn't buy very many that were in a sequence.
Rather rambly insent, Plei.
Right. The "who's Torque" and "where does this arc start" questions that keep coming up have me thinking that we need a good Nightwing reference -- I'm not thinking of anything fancier to start with than recaps (paragraph-length?) of each issue and character bios.
Am I insane?
I really didn't like Torque. Other than that, I got nothing.
The man who became Torque appears in the very first Nightwing tpb - assume that means that he appears in the very first Nightwing comics to fall under the Nightwing name and not under all those other comics series that he also appears in.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Want help?
That too. Lemme think a little on it and I'll babble at you.
Heh. When I get home, I really ought to post the updated list of all my trades and graphic novels so everyone here understands what it means when you think, "Oh, I'll just pick up one."
It's like eating a potato chip laced with HEROIN.
This is so true. Three years ago, I wandered into the local comics store just to pick up
#1. After a couple of visits, then it was "maybe I'll check out thie Buffy comic". Pretty soon it was "that Green Arrow cover sure looks cool" and "I've always liked Batman comics, this could be interesting." Fast forward to today, where I've got shelves exploding with trade paperbacks of all kinds, boxes of individual issues that need to be sorted and catalogued, and many singles that still need to be bagged and boarded. Hell, I thought my large filing cabinet would be large enough to hold my comics, because hey! I wasn't going to be buying that many.
It's fun to see others going through the same process.