Purchased today: How to Read Superhero Comics and Why, Robin: Year One, The Golden Streets of Gotham, Gotham Noir, Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood, Birds of Prey: Catwoman/Batgirl, Birds of Prey: Catwoman/Oracle, Birds of Prey #67, Lucifer #50, Rose and Thorn #6, Gotham Central #19, and Angel Sanctuary Vol. 2.
Library requests put in for more titles than I can recall at the moment.
Damn you all.
Blogs that seem to have some interesting comics analysis: Peiratikos and The Forager.
Still looking.
Did anyone see the preview of Astonishing that should have been in most shops today?
No -- I didn't stop by the comic shop yesterday. What would it have been in?
I didn't look -- figured I'd just wait until next week.
Outsiders #12, however, is still going strong with the HoYay. And the HetYay. Or maybe I should just say that Outsiders is delightfully large with the SexYay and the SnarkYay, and leave it at that.
Some comic book shops get a sampling of next weeks comics from DC and Marvel. So they may have the completed issue of next weeks Astonishing, Avengers and so on, behind the counter somewhere...
Outsiders #12, however, is still going strong with the HoYay. And the HetYay. Or maybe I should just say that Outsiders is delightfully large with the SexYay and the SnarkYay, and leave it at that.
Shrift, I'm pretty certain you and I probably started with the hysterical giggles at about the same place.
Or maybe not, because I'm
much as I loved the whole Dick/Roy/Helena stuff, I'm mainly still in stitches over Shift making himself into root beer. Oh, and I keep reading his name as Shrift.
Outsiders #12
Rassenfrassa. I knew I was forgetting some reason I was supposed to stop by the comic shop yesterday.
It was a SIX COMIC day. (Four of my regulars, two minis)
Robin 126 was... hmm. Not as horrible as I'd expected? BoP 67, I'll need to re-read when less exhausted, GK 54 was, well, GK 54. The art was nifty. Outsiders rocked, and in fact, rolled. Rose and Thorn concluded, Another Nail started.
Shrift, I'm pretty certain you and I probably started with the hysterical giggles at about the same place.
I think you're right. I mean, yes, I giggled over the
Dick/Roy/Helena stuff like hell, but I also giggled over
the root beer Shift. Actually, I think the 'you are what you eat' bit with the Twinkie killed me more. Plus I had the cognitive dissonance of reading it wrong like you did. Also? The Indigo/Shift flirty stuff
was cute as hell.
I also kept thinking that
the way Roy needs to get Dick to care about the team? Have an orgy! That'll take care of it!