I read the recent NW arc backward when I went looking for good starting points, and it has a different punch starting with the big OUCH and working back into all the antecedents.
Did you see my big post? Cause I basically did the same thing. Although I at least did myself the favor of reading the three issues prior to the ouchie issue in order first.
I find that scanning comics (not that I would EVER do that), makes me see the art very differently than I do when I'm reading them normally -- pages as compositions, rather than panel-by-panel, and since I'm normally much more of a narrative whore than a visual person, that focus makes me really see the art in a way that I might not otherwise.
Taking my time causes me to become really fascinated by the fact that a comic is constructed of a series of still pictures, yet still implies the motion between them. And the psychology of splash pages and/or simply shocking panels. There was a panel in one of the Ultimate Six issues where Doc Oc telepathically shot out his prosthetic arms and impaled four people that almost literally caused my heart to skip a beat.
As for differing art styles, one only has to look at Jessica Jones in Alias, Daredevil, and The Pulse.
I read the recent NW arc backward when I went looking for good starting points, and it has a different punch starting with the big OUCH and working back into all the antecedents.
I hold you to blame for me doing this again yesterday.
Wanted to see how it worked now that we have 93.
that almost literally caused my heart to skip a beat.
I had that reaction in No Man's Land when
the Joker shot Sarah Gordon.
I *so* wasn't suspecting it.
I finished the Big Guns trade. The 80-page Giant figures into continuity because Hella blows up Ebersol, so Redhorn can return to his post as police chief.
I love all the names Babs has for Dick. Former Boy Wonder. Adult Wonder. Boy Heartthrob. Former Boy Genius.
The trade includes a cute Devin Grayson story where they run down all of Dick's past relationships. So, who's Donna? Starfire? Miggy? Emily is the one he married "for a case." And he also apparently had a fling with Huntress. And a couple dates with Clancy.
Now I'm hungry for more.
Which one is the 80 page Giant, then?
The Huntress story is collected in the Grayson-authored Nightwing/Huntress TPB -- highly recommended, and my own entry into the canon.
Donna and Starfire are both Teen Titans -- Donna was Wonder Girl, and Starfire is Koriand'r (yes, apparently, named for the spice, according to one creator interview I read), an alien princess warrior blahblahblah.
Miggy, for the life of me, I can't recall. Some one-shot thing.
Which one is the 80 page Giant, then?
It's the Hella storyline. She goes around killing cops and stuff. For revenge, of course.
Miggy was in the whole "Ties That Bind" story.
The Huntress story is collected in the Grayson-authored Nightwing/Huntress TPB -- highly recommended, and my own entry into the canon.
Worth getting. There's additional Nightwing/Huntress stuff that goes through the background of (I think) Rough Justice (the TPB--don't remember what all it collects), and through the No Man's Land arc. (Pimps the novelization again.)
Miggy was in the whole "Ties That Bind" story.
Didn't I tell you to avoid Ties That Bind, lest you be blinded by the bad hair? Let this be a lesson to you.
Hey, at least it made me able to identify Miggie.
Yeah, that's all I got.
And, since I don't know much about the Batverse timeline (both crime and relationships), I was surprised at the end of No Man's Land when Nightwing showed up at the makeshift hospital to see Huntress. Given that he had just been with Babs.